Shayna is a writer and non-fiction editor based in Oakland, California, with a passion for science communication. By reporting on the human side of science, she hopes to make the field more accessible to people of all backgrounds. Reach out to her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @shaynakeyles.
Why We March for Science
Science journalist Shayna Keyles joined the March for Science in San Francisco and interviewed many other marchers. Find out what ...
Fabulous Fat: Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Combat Malnutrition
Malnutrition affects hundreds of millions of children around the world. Scientists think lipid-based nutrient supplements might help. By Shayna Keyles ...
The Art of Scientific Illustration
A picture is worth a thousand words. Scientific illustration is more than just a cool art form. It conveys technical ...
How Do Spiders Weave Perfect Webs?
The webs of spiders come in many shapes and serve many functions, like helping them hunt prey and hide from ...
Citizen Science Games Mix Design with Discovery
By Shayna Keyles Citizen science is a collaborative scientific process in which scientists and members of the greater public both ...
Medicinal Plants to Nourish the Soul
By Daniela Zarate White sage. Peyote. Opium Poppy. African Dream Root. What do all these species have in common? These ...
Environmental Health Is a Social Justice Issue
By Shayna Keyles (@shaynakeyles) When we talk about recycling, mitigating climate change, protecting habitats, and more, it’s not only for ...
Citizen Science Connected, a New Blog Platform
SciStarter and Science Connected are partnering to produce a new blog platform: Citizen Science Connected. Citizen science is a way ...
Interactive, Educational Theater with Jargie the Science Girl
Jargie the Science Girl!, an interactive science performance, brings students up on stage to form hypotheses and perform experiments. By ...
Do Mummies Decompose?
Do mummies decompose? Why or why not? Find out how mummification works, and what happens to a human body when ...
How Do Plants Know Which Way to Grow?
How do plants know which way is up and which way is down? No matter which way you put a ...
Citizen Science, Important Tool for Researchers
If you have been following us for a while, you have probably seen the term citizen science, but you may ...
How Can Kids Become Citizen Scientists?
Can kids become citizen scientists and do it well? A team from the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences has ...
Underwater Gardening: Coral Reefs and Aquaculture
Rescue a Reef is a restoration project for coral reefs and aquaculture by UM Rosenstiel School scientists. Rescuing coral reefs ...
SciGirls Offers Real STEM Role Models for Young Girls
SciGirls features female experts in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) targeting middle-school-aged girls. By Shayna Keyles As a young ...
Can Sunny Days Prevent Sleepless Nights?
Sleepless nights? If you spend evenings in front of a screen, be sure to get plenty of sunlight, or your ...
Pathogenic Triggers of Bacterial DNA Discovered
By Shayna Keyles @shaynakeyles Bacteria, those mysterious, microscopic creatures living in, on, and around us, are very often our benign ...
Dromaeosaurus: Dinosaur Brought to Life in Colorful Sculpture
See David Alden's life-sized sculpture of Dromaeosaurus albertensis, a dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. By Shayna Keyles ...
Why Do Women Outlive Men?
Multiple studies have shown that, on the whole, women outlive men. Have you ever wondered where this information comes from ...
Pharmaceutical Waste Damages Aquatic Ecosystems
Pharmaceutical waste tends to wind up in our streams and rivers. It wreaks havoc on aquatic ecosystems and our drinking ...
Oil Spill Cleanup Secrets of Gulf Coast Bacteria
By Shayna Keyles Bacteria have played a large role in cleaning up the Gulf Coast after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon ...