How Our Brains Learn to Use Tools
Scientists in Munich have examined the network in our brains that enables us to use tools, and the findings might help stroke victims.
Science Literacy, Education, Communication
Scientists in Munich have examined the network in our brains that enables us to use tools, and the findings might help stroke victims.
Are you a loner or a lonely fish? Social isolation in zebrafish led to anxiety when reintroduced to society, mirroring how many humans feel after lockdown.
Pathogens in bacteria could be eliminated on contact, according to a new study using the antimicrobial properties of copper and laser technology.
NIH program promises to revolutionize medicine and cure some of the nation’s deadliest diseases. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers are needed.
Researchers are finding extensive tissue damage from COVID-19, a systemic illness that damages cells and organs throughout the body.
Scientists suspect there is a biological basis for depression–it may even be coded for in our DNA. is depression in our genes?
Green tea has many health benefits, but how does it work? New research reveals one mechanism behind green tea’s anti-cancer properties.
Are you hoping to shed some weight this year? Research shows that more exercise doesn’t always burn more calories.
Where do you get your information? Research shows that people who rely on social media for health information are more likely to have inaccurate beliefs about vaccine safety.
As the world enters Pandemic Year Two, data is showing that the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection are becoming a long-term problem.