Snowpack Critical to Helping Forests Heal
A substantial snowpack helps forests heal after fire season, but what can be done with higher temperatures and lower precipitation?
Science Literacy, Education, Communication
A substantial snowpack helps forests heal after fire season, but what can be done with higher temperatures and lower precipitation?
Watching Arctic Ice Melt: Researchers photographed large ponds of meltwater sitting on the Arctic ice to track climate change.
The Greenland ice sheets are losing their ability to retain meltwater, resulting in faster runoff of meltwater into the ocean.
A study of the variability of the global climate system has revealed that global ocean temperatures are on the rise.
Check out these citizen science projects designed for people living in the north and enjoy a Canadian citizen science summer!
Bees and other pollinators are part of our agricultural processes and, indeed, life on earth. Find out how and why Andy became a beekeeper.
Participate in Miss Louisiana Earth’s online citizen science challenge to help researchers understand climate impacts on wetland loss.
The touchscreen on your smartphone now has a new use that can save lives: It can detect toxic elements in a water supply.
Document the formation of ghost forests — stands of dead trees that were recently killed by salt stress — with citizen science.
Urban green spaces improve mental health, physical well-being, happiness, and community engagement. So why don’t we have more of them?