This informative illustration of how three different animals breathe is the work of Eleanor Lutz, a designer with a degree in molecular biology. The animated infographic shows how humans breath in and out in sequence through the nose and mouth. Birds have multi-chambered lungs that can process incoming air and outgoing air simultaneously– a very efficient system for running and flying. Grasshoppers, on the other hand, essentially breath with their whole bodies.
As Lutz explains, “I decided to illustrate how different animals breathe, and I picked three species that I thought were particularly awesome. The topic really lends itself to a short looped GIF so that was an added plus.”
The result is a lovely infographic that science teachers are and homeschooling parents are using as a free teaching resource to explain how different animals carry out the basic business of breathing.
Do you want to learn how to make an animated infographic like this one? Try this: HOW TO MAKE ANIMATED INFOGRAPHICS.