diversity in science Blogs 

Diverse Scientific Superstars: A Celebratory Parade

Part 1:  Space Travel & Environmental Conservation By Micah Miles (@MC_Miles1), Daniela Zarate (@daniela.x.zarate), Gracia Arellano, & Jessica Monterrosa Mena for The Biota Project (@thebiotaproject) Google the word ‘scientist’ and prepare for a wave of heteronormative white men to inundate your search results. The broad disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics comprise the four branches of the mighty STEM umbrella, covering topics as diverse as squid toxins and artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, the diversity of the scientists conducting the research does not often match the broad diversity of the science…

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Opinions and Editorials 

Data Literacy in South Asia: From Outsourced to a Lead in Tech

Opinion By Sabah Ul-Hasan (@sabahzero) on behalf of The Biota Project Blog (@thebiotaproject) What is outsourcing? Reverberating effects from British colonization of South Asia and the ‘modern’ world I live in the United States, and I was recently in a room full of scientists when someone made a wonderfully distasteful joke about receiving a call from customer support and that the person on the other end of the phone line had a “funny accent.”  If you’re unfamiliar with the term “outsourcing,” fear not. There’s an entire NBC television series about…

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Math structures the world around us Get to Know a Scientist Mathematics New Technologies 

Math Structures the World around Us

From Google searches to sunflowers’ structures, we can look at and understand the world around us through the lens of math. Watch this video by Techsploration to know more about the critical skills you can develop by studying math. Math can not only help us understand the structure of the world around us but also lead to many job opportunities, from epidemiology to finance and from business to teaching. The cool thing about math is that it’s all around us. Whether you realize it or not, you are using math and…

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forensic anthropologist Archaeology Biology 

Want to Be a Forensic Anthropologist?

Meet Tanya Peckmann, a Canadian forensic anthropologist who uses science to solve crimes. This video is part of the Women in Action video series produced by our friends at Techsploration.  Techsploration’s Women In Action series delivers a quick overview of careers in sciences, technology, trades, and engineering. The series features short clips of various female role models. In addition to today’s forensic anthropologist, we have also featured a chemical engineer, a web designer, and others. The series introduces young women to careers in which females have been chronically underrepresented. The purpose is…

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Marine Biologist Maxine Westhead Biology Oceanography 

What Does a Marine Biologist Do?

Our friends over at Techsploration in Canada inspire people to make the world a better place with science. That’s why they’ve produced this short video about marine biologist Maxine Westhead. In it, she explains how and why she became a marine biologist, and what she loves most about her work. Are you passionate about protecting marine life, but unsure of how to make that passion into a career? See how Maxine’s work as a marine biologist is making a difference to protect our precious oceans and the creatures that live in them,…

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