Make Animated Infographics: A Brief Tutorial
This brief overview of how to make animated infographics is the work of Eleanor Lutz, who blogs at Tabletop Whale. Don’t miss her other work, including the animated infographic about breathing, the planet earth control panel, or this explanation of how our muscles work. Here is what she has to say about the tutorial:
Recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails asking for a tutorial on how to make animated infographics. So this week I put together a quick explanation for anyone who’s interested.
This is just a run-through of my own personal animation workflow, so it’s not a definitive guide or anything. There are plenty of other ways to make animations in Photoshop and other programs.
I’ve never tried making a tutorial about my own work before, so sorry in advance if it’s confusing! Let me know if there’s anything I wrote that didn’t make any sense. I’ll try to fix it if I can (though I probably don’t have room to go into detail about every single Photoshop function I mention).