Here at Science Connected, we tip our hats to our Sophie Shrand, our favorite science comedian! The Season 2 Finale of the hit series Science with Sophie is all about COMPUTERS! Sophie asks, “what IS a computer?” and answers with bananas because…reasons.
Join Sophie to dive into binary, hardware, computers vs. humans, and more. Plus, meet Sophie’s newest character who, by total chance, is here just in time for The Matrix 20th anniversary. Can you believe that the original Matrix movie is 20 years old this year? We can’t. Seriously. Time flies when you’re having fun doing science.
To do the experiment with Sophie in this episode, you’ll need:
- writing materials
- a fellow scientist (i.e. a partner!)
- materials to do a task of your choice (be safe, #forsafety)
Special thanks to this episode’s writers Lori Strauss and Jess Sutich, and to computer experts Najla Ahmed and Jason Shrand (my brother!). Got a question? Comment on this video and it might be the next STEM topic we explore together! I hope you find some science and laughter today.
Sophie Shrand
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