What is a computer? New Technologies Science Videos STEM Education 

What is a Computer?

Here at Science Connected, we tip our hats to our Sophie Shrand, our favorite science comedian! The Season 2 Finale of the hit series Science with Sophie is all about COMPUTERS! Sophie asks, “what IS a computer?” and answers with bananas because…reasons. Join Sophie to dive into binary, hardware, computers vs. humans, and more. Plus, meet Sophie’s newest character who, by total chance, is here just in time for The Matrix 20th anniversary. Can you believe that the original Matrix movie is 20 years old this year? We can’t. Seriously.…

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Quantum computing, Pixomar via freedigitalphotos.net New Technologies Physics 

Quantum Computers Coming Soon

Two research teams at the University of New South Wales have taken us a step closer to building super powerful quantum computers and putting them in your hands. The teams have created two types of quantum bits, or qubits. Qubits are the building blocks for quantum computers. These qubits are not only super fast, but also super accurate, with each processing data with an accuracy above 99%. Menno Veldhorst of UNSW says, “It is really amazing that we can make such an accurate qubit using pretty much the same devices as…

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