Some people try to attack things like evolution by natural selection and man-made climate change by saying “Oh, that’s just a THEORY!”
Yes, they are both theories. Stop saying it like it’s a bad thing! It’s time to learn the difference between a fact, a theory, a hypothesis, and a scientific law.
Special thanks to Joe Hanson, Ph.D., for allowing us to publish his terrific videos.
It’s Okay To Be Smart is written and hosted by Joe Hanson, Ph.D. @jtotheizzoe
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmart
For more awesome science, check out: http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com
Produced by PBS Digital Studios: http://www.youtube.com/user/pbsdigita…
Joe Hanson – Creator/Host/Writer
Joe Nicolosi – Director
Amanda Fox – Producer, Spotzen Inc.
Kate Eads – Producer
Andrew Matthews – Editing/Motion Graphics/Animation
Katie Graham – Camera
John Knudsen – Gaffer
Theme music: “Ouroboros” by Kevin MacLeod
Other music via APM
Stock images from Shutterstock, stock footage from Videoblocks (unless otherwise noted)