Emery Haley

Emery Haley

Emery Haley is a nonbinary cell biologist with a passion for diversity in STEM. They are currently a PhD student at Van Andel Institute Graduate School and are planning to pursue a career in science communication. Connect with them on Twitter @EmeryHaley2.

Can COVID-19 Cause Parkinson’s Disease Later?

Research on mice suggests people infected with COVID-19 may be at increased risk of Parkinson's disease long after the infection has cleared. By Emery Haley As everyone who has suffered through a cold or the flu understands, viral infections are miserable to experience. Recovering is ...
How a Special Smell Triggers a Memory

How a Special Smell Triggers a Memory

Does the smell of freshly baked cookies make you think of your grandmother’s house? When smell triggers a memory, neuroscientists call this an associative memory. Find out how it works. By Emery Haley If the smell of baking cookies has ever sent you back to ...
Friends at First Sight? Genetics May Decide

Friends at First Sight? Genetics May Decide

Is there a genetic component to friendship? Mice prefer friends who are genetically similar to them, regardless of other factors. By Emery Haley Have you ever met someone and knew immediately that you liked or disliked them without really knowing why? Chances are, you have, ...
Sweet Solution: Taste Protein Guides Drug Design

Sweet Solution: Taste Protein Guides Drug Design

A taste-signaling protein found in the tongue and pancreas provides a way to design healthier sugar substitutes and new diabetes medications. By Emery Haley You take a bite of your favorite food and a soft “mmm” slips out as the complex layers of flavor dance ...
Why Don’t We Have Memories of Early Childhood?

Why Don’t We Have Memories of Early Childhood?

The hippocampus helps us form memories, but babies may have a different primary use for it, according to a new research study. By Emery Haley It is a universally recognized phenomenon that, with rare exceptions, human beings are not able to recall specific memories from ...

Neuromodulation: How We Manipulate Brain Cells

Neuromodulation to treat illnesses has been limited by being too invasive or too general, but new research on ultrasound shows promise. By Emery Haley Researchers used ultrasound to alter the behavior of a specific type of brain cell. This process of altering the behavior of ...