Embryogenesis Illustrated
This embryogenesis gif illustrates human embryo and fetus development from fertilization to birth. It is the work of graphic artist/biologist Eleanor Lutz. Here is what she has to say about this piece of science art:
I’m actually really happy with how this turned out. I made this using 44 animations that are 9 frames each. That’s 396 sketches total – probably the most complicated GIF I’ve made so far. I am a little sad that I wasn’t able to show size properly though. For example. the 24 week fetus is about 40 times heavier than a 12 week fetus (but you can’t tell that from this drawing).
Enjoy other animated science infographics, including the planet Earth control panel, how muscles work, and the classic breathing infographic.
Gilbert, Scott. Developmental Biology, 9th Edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates Inc., 2010.