The animated infographic below shows 42 different North American species of butterfly. It is the work of talented graphic designer Eleanor Lutz, whose creations we have had the great pleasure of featuring on several occasions. Don’t miss her other works of animated art entitled Planet Earth’s Control Panel, How Muscles Work, and Breathing Infographic. They are worth checking out!

This is how Lutz describes the infographic of North American butterflies:
I checked out six butterfly field guides from the library and picked out some of the species I thought were the most unique and beautiful. It’s meant as a chart of decorative species illustrations rather than an educational infographic. So it doesn’t have as much information as my other posts, but I did draw everything as true to life as I could.
Lutz is a graphic designer based in Seattle. She has a Bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from the University of Washington and used to work in a research lab teaching mosquitoes to fly through mazes! Lutz blogs at Tabletop Whale.
North American Butterflies meet Citizen Science
The bulk of the information used to create this infographic came from the 2003 edition of Butterflies of North America (Houghton Mifflin). There is also more information about these butterflies at the website of the North American Butterfly Association. The association organizes annual butterfly counts in the United States (July), Canada (July), and Mexico (September). Click here for information about how to participate in a count of North American butterflies.