William Harley

William Harley is a volunteer science communicator with Science Connected Magazine.

William Harley completed degrees in biochemistry & molecular biology and in chemical engineering from Oregon State University. While an engineer by profession, he enjoys creating music, trail running, and baking. Connect with William on LinkedIn.

a blank nametag is stuck to a gray outdoor wall

Which Comes First: A Face or a Name?

As you grow, your face may change to resemble stereotypes related to your name. Scientists find that adults fit their names more than kids ...
Woman smiling as she chooses fresh produce

Kiwifruit in Diet Is Linked to Improved Mood

Eating kiwifruit could improve mental health for people with low vitamin C, with real fruit showing more benefits than a vitamin supplement ...
a football field flooded with bright lights and a blurry swirl of white light in center

Caught in the Light: Flying Insects

Flying insects seem magnetized by light, but why? New research uncovers the dorsal-light-response mechanism behind this phenomenon ...
Two loaves of freshly baked bread held out on a wooden baker's paddle, with the baker and commercial oven obscured in background.

Making Antipsychotics with Baker’s Yeast

Researchers used baker’s yeast to produce two compounds important to antipsychotic drugs: alstonine and serpentine ...