Claudia Suzanne Willis

Claudia Willia

Claudia Suzanne Willis is a Junior Research Specialist at a research center for smell and taste science. She is a chemist by training, and an avid reader and baker in her free time. She lives in Philadelphia, PA, with her roommate, cat, and houseplants. Follow Claudia on LinkedIn.

Coffee beans pour out of an open scoop onto a table next to a steaming cappuccino cup

Brewing Cell-Derived Coffee in a Lab for More Sustainable Lattes

Cell-derived coffee gets its start in a lab instead of a field, and soon its flavor profile will be comparable enough to meet the rising coffee demand ...
Three people collaborate on a data-based project by sitting at a table with a laptop and papers in front of them

ChatGPT Chemistry Assistant Speeds Up Data Work

ChatGPT can be used as a chemistry assistant to accelerate chemists’ ability to analyze published research and predict chemical reaction outcomes ...
Odor Profiles and the Future of Forensic Evidence

Odor Profiles and the Future of Forensic Evidence

Odor profiles are an emerging way to identify and classify individuals based on the chemical compounds naturally released from our hands ...